SIC Archives
SIC Meeting Agendas & Minutes (2023 - 2024)
- October 12, 2023
- November 14, 2023
- December 12, 2023
- January 9, 2024 (Rescheduled Jan. 16th due to weather)
- February 13, 2024
- March 12, 2024
- April 9, 2024
- May 7, 2024
October 12, 2023
School Improvement Council Notes for Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary School
Date of Meeting: October 12, 2023
Jennifer Bates, Kori Brown, Melinda Anderson, Madison Bishop, Jeremiah Lee, Brandy Brown, Jessica
Belcher, Jennifer Robinson, Christie Stewart
- Introductions were made. We are a Capturing Kids Hearts School. It was shared with all present that we begin our day and our meetings with Good Things. Several people present shared good things from their week.
- Mrs. Brown shared with the team that Amanda Hess wanted to be present, and a part of the council, but was unable to attend. Elections were held. The following parents were voted and confirmed to be a part of the council: Amanda Hess, Jessica Belcher, Melinda Anderson and Brandy Brown. Teachers already voted and approved include Madison Bishop and Christie Stewart. Appointed members include Jeremiah Lee, our fire Marshall, and Isaac Watlington, one of our business partners. Ex-Officio officers include Jennifer Bates, principal, Jennifer Robinson, Assistant Principal and Kori Brown, Assistant Principal.
- Copies of the SIC Handbook were distributed.
- Mrs. Brown, a school Administrator, discussed the various SIC positions that need to be filled and went over the descriptions of the responsibilities for each position. These positions cannot be filled by Administration, but are open for teachers, parents, or community members. Some of the parents were interested in the various positions but need to check with their employment to make sure they will be available for all future meetings. The team agreed to table election of officers until the November meeting. The team went over all of the dates for the meetings we have set for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Mrs. Bates, the school principal, gave some updates.
- The school report card looks great.
- Our building is new and in good condition but still has some needs. For instance, our population is currently 888 students and still growing. In the future, due to changing district lines, we may gain even more students. This means we do need additional playground space. District officials will be visiting and look over our playgrounds to see where more space can be made available for playground equipment. It would also be nice to use the courtyard less for recess as it is not safe with all of the concrete there.
- The front lobby was unfinished due to the rush to open the school. It could be updated and made more welcoming to families and possible new teachers. The PTA will help with this (funding).
- The double door area where you enter the school could also be made more welcoming with more artwork on display. Currently this space is empty.
- We previously had a Booster Fun Run with funds raised for an outdoor classroom. That has not yet happened yet. Those funds may be better used in other ways.
- We also need some shade on some of the playgrounds. A company is coming to look at what would be possible to set up and the cost.
- The floor was opened for other suggestions from any SIC members present.
- We will revisit the school mission and vision soon to make it more child friendly.
- It is possible that in the future we may even be able to have these on Sires shirts for students to wear on spirit days.
November 14, 2023
School Improvement Council Notes for Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary School
Date of Meeting: November 14, 2023
Present: Melinda Anderson, Amanda Hess, Kori Brown, Leanne Fuller, Jennifer Bates, Christie Stewart, Madison Bishop
- The members were welcomed and given the opportunity to share Good Things.
- We reviewed the minutes from 10-12-23. We made a correction to the minutes to add in the elected teachers.
- We reviewed the various SIC positions that are available and what each position entails.
- Leanne Fuller will serve as the SIC Chair.
- Melinda Anderson will serve as the SIC Co-Chair.
- Crystie Stewart volunteered to take minutes for this meeting.
- Principal Bates showed a report that compared the school report card ESES received last year to the current school report card.
- Academic Achievement ranking moved up from average to good. It increased from 18.04 to 21.32 points.
- Student progress moved from Unsatisfactory to Average. It increased from 7.6 to 15.21.
- 4th Grade Science moved from Below Average to Average. It increased from 4.02 to 4.68.
- Overall, our school went from an Average rating to a Good rating.
- Principal Bates also pulled up the school report card on the state website. She showed how ESES ranked in comparison to our district’s average and the state’s average.
- Academic achievement was above the district average.
- Principal Bates mentioned she would like to work on our school climate. The surveys that determine this ranking are based on teacher and 5th grade student surveys. The 5th graders cannot be coached and may not fully understand all of the vocabulary used in the questions.
- Principal Bates showed a pie chart that showed ELA Grades 3-5 and Math 3-5. The pie charts showed how many students met the expectations, exceeded the expectations, were approaching the expectations, and did not meet the expectations.
- 3rd grade ELA was ranked #6 in the district.
- 4th grade ELA was ranked #5 in the district.
- 5th grade ELA was ranked #9 in the district.
- 3rd grade Math was ranked #4 in the district.
- 4th grade Math was ranked #11 in the district.
- 5th grade Math was ranked #4 in the district.
- 4th grade Science was ranked #9 in the district.
- Principal Bates shared that one of our school’s goals is to decrease the number of students who do not meet the expectations.
- Principal Bates shared some school goals to help meet this goal.
- Principal Bates also shared that we would like to increase our digital learning/use of technology. We would like to increase digital collaboration as well.
- Principal Bates shared that we would like to increase the use of manipulatives in math classes from K-5.
- A parent who was present noted that it can be hard to support math at home because it is so different from how she learned math as a child.
- Math Night is approaching.
- Bishop shared that she shares videos on Class Dojo with the parents in her classroom that show how to solve various problems in math.
- Bishop and Stewart agreed that the math committee can work on adding these types of videos for each grade level to the School Story on Class Dojo.
- We discussed the possibility for subcommittees. We would like to form a subcommittee for the purpose of school beautification.
- It was suggested that a student council could be formed to allow students to take some ownership in the school and school beautification. This was agreed to be a good idea for a school club. This club could include both 4th and 5th grade students so that there is some consistency from year to year.
- We discussed trying to grow our SIC committee and invite more people to attend.
- Day of caring will be on Wednesday, November 15. We would like to add more murals throughout the school. However, this will have a cost and need to be funded. We would like to repaint the hallways from gray to blue to make the hallways more welcoming. We would like to see more of Salty, our school mascot, throughout the school. We would like to see more of the ocean theme. This is something that can be brought to the faculty at the next faculty meeting. We can work to bring Salty to life at Sires!
- We will also be revisiting the Sires Mission and Vision statements.
- We are looking at adding shade by the gaga pit. They will also be installing some shade in the school courtyard soon. We are getting some quotes to add a playground or extend the back playground.
- Title I funds have been increased. Title I would like to provide more time for planning for teachers, but this means we will need available substitute teachers. Title I is also looking to fund PD.
- It was suggested that we could also look into possible grants to help fund our beautification ideas.
Our next SIC meeting will be on December 12. We will have more ideas about everything from our faculty to share then.
December 12, 2023
School Improvement Council Notes for Dr. Eugene Sires Elementary School
Date of Meeting: December 12, 2023
Present: Crystie Stewart, Madison Bishop, Jennifer Robinson, Amanda Hess, Leanne Fuller, Jennifer Bates, Kori Brown, Brandy Brown, Melinda Anderson
· The members were welcomed and given the opportunity to share Good Things.
· We reviewed the minutes from 11-14-23. No changes were made.
· We discussed some of the accomplishments the SIC has already made since our November meeting:
o Regarding the beautification project, we have some planters and soil and plants ready to set up.
o The shade has arrived and may even be set up over winter break.
o Title I is in the process of acquiring substitutes to provide time for teachers to plan.
o Professional Development has already been provided at our last early dismissal day to faculty and staff.
- Room Transformations (engaging ways to teach students)
- Use of Math Manipulatives
- Science Genius availability
- Some teachers met with Administrators and Counselors to discuss/plan how to help close the achievement gap for state testing and help students show growth. The state of SC has already provided the school with projected growth based on last year’s data.
- The state could not provide data for 3rd grade since they did not take the state test last year. Administration and teachers have been looking at MAP data to help close gaps and improve growth for 3rd grade.
- Closing the achievement gap and showing more growth is a 5 year goal for Sires Elementary. This means that administrators and teachers are also going to be looking at MAP data for 1st and 2nd grade students to help with long range goal setting.
- Some teachers will be sent to a teaching conference for professional development that is also motivating in February.
o The back playground cannot be expanded due to a combination of the fire lane and some wet lands. However, a small area near the 2nd grade hall has been gifted by the district to build a small third playground. It will most likely not happen this school year, but progress is being made.
o SIC members present were happy to see how much progress has already been made in the past month.
· The beautification sub committee updated the members present:
o The art team has discussed painting the hallways. This is still in discussion, as are ideas for different murals.
o It is possible that each grade level will have a different ocean ecosystem shown in a mural that Salty the school mascot could be visiting.
o We would also like to showcase more student art in addition to student writing throughout the school. We would like to include creative writing.
o One parent mentioned that her child’s exposure to the arts at Sires was positive, from learning about ukuleles to creative writing.
o This may help increase our students’ chances of being accepted to Rollings if they apply.
o More student performances are also being discussed to help keep students involved in the arts.
o A parent member suggested that even the parking lot could be updated. Some of the signs are faded.
o The group agreed to keep thinking of ideas for beautification for the future.
· A new PE teacher will be starting after winter break.
· The SIC group looked at our most current SIC report to parents.
o It is currently a tri-fold brochure.
o Some obvious changes will need to be made such as changing the Principal to Jennifer Bates.
o We will also be adding the Winter Fest that the PTA started for the first time this year.
o We have a 2 month goal of looking at our school mission statement and vision statement to make it more student friendly.
o A parent suggested making a digital version of the SIC report. Mrs. Bates liked that idea and would like to get some flat screens installed in the front lobby to continuously scroll through our SIC report as well as show pictures of various Sires events. We could also scan in student art work to display.
o It was suggested that we could include a QR code on any paper copy of the SIC report so that parents could scan it to see the digital version.
· It was suggested that we could put together a vision board to gather all of our ideas for the different things discussed at the meeting.
· Principal Bates was given the opportunity to provide the SIC with updates.
o Many were already covered when we discussed the many accomplishments made since last month’s meeting.
o The school board approved a holiday bonus for all teachers and staff. It will be a little over $700 so that after taxes each faculty or staff member should receive $500.
o The recent school board meeting did discuss some rezoning that will occur soon to help with some school overcrowding. This will not necessarily affect Sires Elementary as we still have some room for growth in the building.
o Security will soon be updated. Faculty and staff will scan into the buildings using their ID cards rather than fobs. This will be more secure as a lost badge can be immediately deactivated from the system.
o We had a recent district visit and a cafeteria visit that was positive.
· Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.
January 9, 2024 (Rescheduled Jan. 16th due to weather)
- Good Things – everyone was welcomed and given an opportunity to share good things.
- We reviewed the minutes from our previous meeting. No changes were made.
- Rollings has scrolling televisions in their front lobby. We could have our IT person check how they have theirs set up and see if that will help get ours going.
- Katie Blanchard has done a project in the past where she had a PowerPoint scrolling through daily on the front flat panel. She could possibly help us get it going again for now until new flat panels can be purchased.
- Keeping the flat panels updated could possibly be a school committee.
- We could get some art scans from Artzonia since the art teachers are already scanning artwork to add to the flat panel displays.
- We could add a small reading nook to the front lobby for parents who are waiting with younger children.
- We could add brochures for the district parenting centers to the front lobby as well.
- Beautification Committee Update –
- The sunshades are put up. We may want to be able to make that our outdoor classroom.
- A purple plant may be added on the outside to help with beautification of the school.
- Booster will be starting soon and our hope is to use some of the funds to help with things in the building. We would like to be able to use it for the new playground as well as school beautification.
- We may also add grass seed to the areas that need it.
- We may add some colorful plants to the front walkway.
- PTA Board Meeting – They met. They are looking for some people to assist with stepping into positions.
- Our school MAP data looked good overall as a school. There are many good things happening that we could showcase.
- We took some time to review and update the SIC Report to Parents. Ms. Brown will update the report and share at our next meeting.
- Principal Updates:
- Principal Bates shared some Booster Fun Run updates. We will reach out to our team leads to get feedback. She shared that DD2 has a job fair on January 20th from 9 AM – Noon. The admin team will be starting teacher evaluations.
Meeting adjourned at 8:43 AM.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 13, 2024.
February 13, 2024
- The meeting started with Good Things.
- A parent shared her son had their first viola concert. He was introduced to strings by Ms. Parker.
- Ms. Brown reread last meeting’s minutes. No changes were made.
Beautification Update:
o Suggestion for benches in the front lobby, for visitors. Look into this after Booster funds.
o Concern of vandalism at night, we don’t want to put too much outside due to this.
o Buy replacements for fall plants, Ms. Bates shared she would plant them.
o Front lobby TVs- all work plugged into computer. Keith is in charge of this.
o Ms. Brown shared at a conference there were TVs on the wall in a design that had different things on each one. Ms. Bates shared the main concern is monies allotted for technology.
o Booster funds need to go to playground funding (about $30K) and murals done by art teachers.
Updates to School Brochure
o Due early April, send out Apr. 30
o Smaller paper, 8 x 11 brochure
o Add group picture from drone
o “Better Together” added
o Remove Showcase school icons
o Possibly print in color via Canva ($260) for 1,000
o Send home with every student, put extras in front lobby
o Revise goals- take from 5 year plan (80% participation in Title events)
Mission & Vision, Glide, Fever Update
o Admin is meeting to determine process
o The goal is on the February Early Release Day to have teachers have input
o We want 3 words to put on shirts, students should have input on this as well.
o Very few people are aware of what GLIDE and FEVER mean. We want to revamp this.
o Hopefully have things done in early April
School Board Meeting discussion
o Discussed referendum and the potential for new schools
March 12, 2024
- Mrs. Bates shared the presentation about the School’s Mission and Vision. She shared the differences between mission and vision.
- Other school examples were shared to give an idea.
- It was discussed that our main goal is to create the mission and vision upon collaboration.
- Sires mission is way too long for students to understand and remember.
- Sires vision is a good length, it could be revamped.
- Reviewed what the staff and PTA came up with for mission and vision words and their input
- Checklist:
- Presented to staff 2/27/24
- Presented to PTA 3/11/24
- Presented to SIC 3/12/24
- Final preview will be given to staff April 1st
- We will be giving 4th grade students the opportunity to vote and collaborate because they will be here next week
- In May, we will review GLIDE and PBIS with staff
- Booster- $20,000 was raised (playground and murals)
- First week of April will be discussing the playground and picking out the equipment.
- District Walkthrough will take place tomorrow; We are wanting to create more color and murals throughout the hallway to incorporate more Salty throughout the building.
- PTA came up with: Academic Excellence as we GLIDE (Grow, Love and Lead, Inspire, Discover, Empower) for the mission; Love would be a better fit in the vision
- Sires flyer is created in Canva- Mrs. Bates will change her blurb in the flyer. Ms. Anderson will have it printed via Canva. Goals need to be changed on the flyer based on our 5 year plan.
- Next Meeting: April 9, 2024
April 9, 2024
Attendance: Jennifer Bates, Kori Brown, Amanda Hess and Leanne Fuller
•Welcome and Good Things:
- Ms. Hess shared that her son would be performing in a Strings Concert this week.
- Mrs. Bates shared that she had date night this weekend.
- Review minutes from March 12, 2024. Mrs. Brown read the minutes from our March meeting. Everyone agreed to the meeting notes.
- Mrs. Bates added that on Monday, April 1st our staff met and worked on our mission and vision statements as discussed. Our 4th grade students will be presented with the mission and vision statements and will give their input.
- Playground updates were given. Steps will start this week for playground preparations.
- Sub committees Update:
- Beautification committee: This will be a goal for next year. Our focus will be our courtyard and turning that space into an outside classroom. We will work on getting pavers and a garden area started.
- Review changes to SIC Report to Parents:
- We will have the updated pamphlets distributed by April 30th. Our goal will be for the pamphlets to go home in Wednesday folders. Possibly as early as Wednesday, April 24th.
- Few changes were made by Mrs. Bates to her section. Mrs. Brown made a few updates and shared with the committee. We would like to have our new mission and vision statements ready to share with our school family. We reviewed our goals that will carry us into the 24.25 school year. Mrs. Bates shared that the goals would be updated when we have final scores from SC Ready.
- Principal Updates:
- Title Updates: we are working on spending the 22.23 carry over money and the 23.24 Title money. We are providing teachers with full day planning where they will focus on instruction for quarter 4. Monies will be spend on math manipulatives for all grade levels. Dr. Gary Seaboldt helped create a list of manipulatives to purchase that will support and enhance instruction in all grade levels.
- Team Leads: Team leaders will met one day in May to prepare for next year.
- ERD: We will focus on test training and planning our schedule for next year.
- Job Fair: the district is holding a job fair this Thursday. We do have a few openings for next year at this time.
- Right now we are MAP testing, AIMS testing (starts next week), Student/Teacher/Parent State Climate survey and working on the Strategic Plan
- Next month we will share the mission and vision statements.
- Mrs. Bates asked Ms. Hess to consider running for SIC President next year. Ms. Hess has agreed. No questions at this time.
May 7, 2024
SIRES Title I Spring Planning Meeting #2
Tuesday, May 7th
8:00am – 9:00am
May SIC Meeting
Friday, May 24th
7:30am – 8:30am
Math: Math Fun in the Summer Sun
Attendance: see attendance sheet
Overview of SIRES Mission and Vision Statement:
Mission Statement
At Sires Elementary, our mission is to foster independent thinkers in a safe and nurturing environment where a rigorous curriculum celebrates diversity, creativity and collaboration, and prepares life-long learners.
Vision Statement
Sires Elementary is a world class community working together to ensure the development of each individual’s academic, artistic, and personal growth.
Overview DD2 Federal Programs Mission and Goals:
Mission Statement:
Dorchester District Two Federal and State Programs will provide support to increase student achievement through professional development, parental/community involvement, and programs and initiatives with rigor, relevance, and relationships.
We will increase student achievement as measured by state, district, and school assessments.
We will enhance school-home partnerships through trainings, workshops, and activities leading to parental empowerment and community relationships.
We will provide research-based, data-driven, sustainable professional development.
• Review of Minutes from Title Meeting #1 Meetings:
• Friday, April 12th at 7:30am
• Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00pm
• School Compact
Feedback from Parents
Final 2024-2025 Compact Status
• District Brochure and Timely Response to Parents
• 2024-2025 SIRES Title I Plan
• 2024-2025 Parenting Events
• Feedback/Questions/Concerns
Overview of School Compact:
· A school must have a compact for all the children in its Title I program.
· The compact states the goals and responsibilities of students, parents and schools
· The Title I law encourages schools to plan strong school-family-community partnerships in support of student learning.
· Logs the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis.
At this time we have NOT received feedback for the SIRES 24.25 Compact.
• Families will continue to have time to send in any feedback before the SIRES 24.25. Compact is finalized before the start of the 24.25 School Year.
• SIRES 24.24 Compact will be available to new families or for families who need another copy during Facts and Fees of the 24.25 school year.
• The SIRES 24.25 Compact will not be finalized at this time to give new families the opportunity to provide feedback.
Overview of Title I Brochure and Timely Response to Parents:
· At this time, we have not received feedback on the Title I Brochure or the Timely Response to Parents.
· We will continue to follow Dorchester District Two lead at this time.
Current allocated funding for 2024-2025: $145,359
Strategy 1: Total Amount: $111,881 allocated
▪ Provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement.
▪ 2 Reading Interventionists (hourly)
▪ 1 Math Interventionist (hourly)
▪ .5 Math Interventionist
· to allocate money to provide intervention support in the areas of ELA and Math based off our Needs Assessment.
Strategy II: Total Amount: $33,268 allocated
▪ Use effective methods and instructional strategies
▫ Strengthen core
▫ Increase amount and quality of learning time
▫ Meet educational needs of historically underserved populations
▪ Instructional supplies for reading and math to include but not limited to books, manipulatives and so forth.
▪ This is based off our Needs Assessment
▪ There was no feedback at this time.
Strategy V: Total Amount: $17,750.00
▪ In accordance with Section 1119 and Subsection (a)(4), high-quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the State's student academic achievement standards.
▪ Provide professional development to support school-wide academic programs
▪ Provide substitutes for teachers to attend professional development
· There was no feedback at this time.
Strategy VII: Total Amount: $3,339.61
▪ Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance with Section 1118, such as family literacy services.
▪ To use our Needs Assessment to create events that support students and families in the areas of math and ELA.
Feedback: for Family Events
· There was no feedback at this time.
Strategies to Increase Family Involvement:
▪ We are working with our Fine Arts Team to have performances to go with events.
Questions and Comments:
PTA would like to work with Title on Parent/Family involvement!